Parking and Traffic
All cars should enter via the SOUTH entrance and may line up in both the first row or second to drop off children in the outer loop closest to the parking lot following the "every-other-car" pattern. Green arrows on the map.
- Please maintain a maximum of 15 MPH speed limit while on school property.
- Please do not cut through the parking spaces.
- Please use the two aisles in the parking lot to line up and drop-off only near the flagpole in the outer loop.
- Please DO NOT drop off students in the parking lot, only in the outer loop near the flagpole.
- Cars may NOT use the NORTH main entrance to enter the parking lot or school grounds from 8:00 to 8:30 AM and again from 2:45 to 3:15 PM. During these times, the NORTH main entrance is for buses and school vehicles only. Red arrows on the map
- Cars may NOT park or idle in the inner loop closest to school at anytime during the school day or during school events. This is the school's fire lane and must be kept clear at all times as a matter of State law.
- Cars should always yield to school buses. Buses always have the right of way, please allow them to exit and leave the parking lot so that they can get to their next route on time during both our AM and the PM drop off and pick up time frames.
- MOST IMPORTANTLY, Please be patient with your fellow vehicle drivers and please watch for children that are walking or riding their bikes to and from school. Thank you.