Clubs and Activities
Awards and Recognition
Honor Roll/Merit Roll
Students who have received a 3.0-3.49 grade point average (GPA) will receive recognition each nine-week grading period on the Merit Roll. Students who have a 3.5-4.0 GPA will receive recognition on the Honor Roll. These names will be published following each grading period.
Scholastic Awards
6th Grade Academic Achievement Award - This award is earned by any sixth grade student who, at the end of the third grading period, has a cumulative average of 3.5 GPA or above including all graded subjects.
7th Grade Academic Achievement Award - This award is earned by any seventh grade student who, at the end of the third grading period, has a cumulative average of 3.5 GPA or above including all graded subjects.
8th Grade Academic Achievement Award - This award is earned by any eighth grade student who, at the end of the third grading period, has a cumulative average of 3.5 GPA or above including all graded subjects.
8th Grade Academic Excellence Achievement Award
This award is earned by any 8th grade student who, at the end of their 8th grade year, has maintained a 4.0 GPA including all graded subjects. This is calculated from all quarter grades, including classes taken in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, for all students.
Dr. Henry Karrer Humanitarian Award
All students are eligible for the Humanitarian Award. Students submit a self-reflection of their willingness to devote time and services to enrich the lives of those in need. Students list community projects, school projects and answer questions about their motivations and character. Students’ service and participation are judged by the academic team teachers and finalists are evaluated by a school-wide committee for a second round. The award goes to the students who best exemplify Dr. Karrer’s spirit of humanitarianism.
Eighth Grade Outstanding Student Award
Teachers nominate 8th grade students who are awarded the 8th Grade Outstanding Student Award each year. The finalists are selected by the academic teachers based on academics, leadership, involvement in school life, attitude, helpfulness and social interactions. The finalists are evaluated and winners selected by a school-wide committee of teachers and guidance counselors.
Archie Griffin Sportsmanship Award
The Archie Griffin Sportsmanship Award is presented to one 8th grade boy and one 8th grade girl. Athletes are nominated by their coaches, athletic director or administration.
Athletic accomplishments, leadership, citizenship and sportsmanship considered and winners selected by a school-wide committee. The nominees must have participated in one sport.
Shamrock Spotlight
The Shamrock Spotlight Award is given quarterly by individual teachers to a student of their choice. Those students exemplify scholarship, leadership, good attitude, helpfulness or other qualities that create a quality learning experience for themselves or others. Students are invited to a Shamrock Spotlight Principal Luncheon sponsored by the KMS PTO.
Art Club
Length of Activity: All year
Grade: 6-8
Art Club provides students who have an interest in art with an opportunity to explore art and craft forms beyond what is offered in the curriculum. It gives students the opportunity to work individually and in groups. It is open to students from all the middle school grade levels and helps to foster good working relationships among these multi-aged students.
Advisor: Mr. Schafer
Battle of the Books
Length of Activity: October-March
Grade: 6-8
Battle of the Books is a quiz-show type competition between teams of 4-6 readers. All KMS students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are eligible to participate. Students can form their own teams, or they can sign up individually to be placed on a team. Each team is responsible for reading from the list of 20 books before competitions begin in January, but the books are to be divided up among the team members. The questions for the competitions come directly from the 20 books. Battle of the Books offers a fun way for students to challenge themselves as readers and to continue to build those important reading muscles. Students will meet after school one Thursday per month through December and then weekly on Thursdays beginning in January.
**Please be sure to attend the first meeting on September 26 or October 10.**
Advisors: Mr. Erb and Ms. Wolf
Drama Club
Length of Activity: November through February
Grade: 6-8
KMS Drama Club provides an outlet for creative expression and theater performance to our Middle School students. Students learn elements of musical theater through the process of creating our school musical, preparing students to audition and participate in theater programs in the surrounding community. Drama Club is open to all students, but students must audition to be a part of Drama Club in November, after our musical is announced. Students will be cast as a role in our musical, or they may apply to work behind the scenes to aid in the production. There is a cap each year to the number of students in Drama Club, based on the chosen musical’s cast size.
You may visit our website for the most up-to-date information: KMS Drama Club Website
**November 18-21: Audition for this year's musical; apply for Tech Crew
Advisors: Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Toland, Mr. Darby
Dublin Youth String Orchestra (DYSO)
Length of Activity: Wednesdays, 4:30-6pm, October-March
Grade: 5-9
DYSO serves as an opportunity for advanced strings students to pursue an extra challenge above and beyond their regular class work. Students rehearse once a week, and have several performances throughout the year. DYSO is open, by audition, to any Dublin student in grades 5-9. Auditions are in May for the following season. Visit our website.
Advisors: Mr. Hawley, Mr. Twu, Ms. Hanson
GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) Club:
Length of Activity: All year
Grade: 6-8
This is a student-led club that aims to provide a safe, welcoming, inclusive, and loving environment for all students who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community. The club is open to anyone who wants to support this community by identifying as an ally as well. All KMS students are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings in the library to learn how they can play an essential role in this club's success! See Mrs. Meier, one of our 8th grade language arts teachers at KMS or contact her via email if you are interested or have any questions. GSA meets every other Wednesday during your grade level lunch.
Advisor: Mrs. Meier
Junior Teen Institute (JTI)
Length of Activity: All year
Grade: 6-8
Karrer Middle School Junior Teen Institute is a student-led organization that provides students with opportunities to develop their leadership skills while being confident in their decision to be drug-free, bully-free, and kind to others. Students who are selected to be members of JTI have the desire to lead a drug-free, bully-free life. They will support others who are making the same positive choices and encourage their peers to make healthy decisions.Junior Teen Institute implements alcohol and other drug prevention projects to clearly promote a “no use” message, and provides opportunities throughout the year for students to have fun without alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. It is open to all students grades 6 to 8.
Advisor: Mrs. Beekman
Library Council
Length of Activity: November - February
Grade: 6-8
MATHCOUNTS is a national math enrichment, coaching and competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement. After several months of coaching, the school selects students to compete as part of a team in written and oral competitions held nationwide. Winners at the local level proceed to state competitions, where the top four students and a coach earn the right to represent their state or territory at the national level. At all levels, MATHCOUNTS challenges students' math skills, develops their self-confidence and rewards them for their achievements. MATHCOUNTS meets after school from November to February, usually once each week. All students in grades 6-8 are welcome to attend meetings in November and December. Once the MathCounts team is selected in January, after tryouts, only those team members may attend in January and February in order to prepare for the Regional and State competitions.
*Please note that MathCounts does limit the number of students to ten (10) from each school that can be part of the competition team. Tryouts will be held to determine the students who will make up the competition team each year. However, all weekly MATHCOUNTS meetings up until tryouts occur, are open to all students who are able to attend.
Length of Activity: October - May
- planning activities around Veterans Day
- organize spirit week in April (the month of the Military Child)
- send birthday or holiday cards to local veterans
- make "Thank You" cards for the National Veterans Museum in Columbus
- organize fundraisers for current military overseas
- collaborate with Scioto High School for veteran recognition events
Purple Star Club members are seen as leaders at KMS and help promote positivity and empathy. Our motto is that we recognize, remember, honor, and support military veterans and their families. Students meet on Wednesdays after school until 4:15.
Advisor: Mrs. Wilch
Come join the fun! ShamRockin Club is a PTO sponsored event open to all 6th graders in Dublin middle schools. A professional dance instructor will teach the latest moves (fast, slow, line, and group) while introducing social and etiquette skills in a fun way. Costs will be announced, which includes all four dance sessions and the final celebration dance at Bridgewater Banquet and Conference Center. Sorry, no prorating partial sessions. Registration forms will be available in January. Please contact your school's PTO for more information.
6th Graders are invited to "Sports Camps" to try out sports they may have interest in for 7th grade. These camps are 1-3 day experiences with various sports coaches. Students are welcome to sample one or several sports of interest. (Note: Due to OHSAA regulations, all school sports teams are open to 7th and 8th grade students only.)
Advisor: Mr. Miller
Ski & Board Club
Length of Activity: Tuesdays, January - February (weather permitting)
Grade: 6-8
Dublin Ski and Board Club welcomes all levels of skiers and snowboarders to join us on six (6) after-school trips to Snow Trails. The chartered bus trips begin in January and are planned through February, with make-up trips as needed. Sign-up details and parent meeting dates will be posted on the Ski and Board Club Website, and it has all the information you need to make this an exciting season on the slopes! (Fee to participate) Go to the link below to learn more:
**Please be sure to attend the virtual parent meeting on September 30 at 7:00pm**
KMS Advisor: Mrs. Meier
Student Council
Length of Activity: All year
Grade: 6-8
Karrer Middle School Student Council is a student-led organization that provides leadership and service to Karrer Middle School and our community. Students who are elected to this position are organized, driven, and have an interest in learning the basics of student service government as well as being dedicated to helping and improving our school and making a positive impact on our community. Some examples of our events are the food drive, the pop tab drive, Color Cycle, canteens, and more. KMS Student Council members are seen as the leaders of the KMS student body. We encourage your students to get involved in shaping Karrer Middle School into a positive learning environment for each student and in helping our community.
Advisor: Mrs. Beekman
The KMS Student Council Cabinet members take on additional responsibility and leadership roles in the Student Council. These students will apply to an area of interest to help lead and support the Student Council's efforts. These areas include but are not limited to Executive Board (President, Vice-President, etc.), volunteer projects, marketing, and social events (KMS Tailgate, Canteens), and Summit. Due to the extra responsibility of these positions, Student Council Cabinet members are expected to attend both regular Student Council and Cabinet meetings.
Advisor: Mrs. Beekman
Writing Rocks
Grades: 6-8
Writing Rocks allows all middle school students to work on their creative writing skills. These meetings will be at the same time as Power of the Pen, but there are no try-outs or competitions for Writing Rocks. Any student with a passion for writing is encouraged to join us!
Advisors: Mrs. Polacek and Ms. Wolf
Yearbook Club:
Length of Activity: October - May
Grades: 6-8
Our goal is to produce a high-quality published book that captures the heart of Karrer Middle School - the students. As a Yearbook member, you will be involved in all phases of production including: layout design, color combinations, photography, cropping, editing, keyboarding, all program descriptions. The content of the yearbook is ours to create! No previous experience is needed. Email Mrs. Kurtz, one of our 8th grade language arts teachers at KMS, and join our Schoology course for more information.
Schoology Course Code: HJKC-9G77-GDSDN
Advisor: Mrs. Kurtz
(Due to OHSAA regulations, all school sports are open to 7th and 8th grade students only)
Season: Spring Grades: 7 and 8 (Boys)
Two teams (a 7th grade and an 8th grade) consist of players who are selected by tryout sessions. They play a 14 game schedule and all players must attend all scheduled games and practices. All athletes must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Winter Grade: 7 and 8 (Boys)
Two teams (a 7th grade and an 8th grade) consist of players who are selected by tryout sessions. The season is from early-November to the end of February and includes 14 games. Team members are expected to be available for all practices and games including those activities held during vacations. All participants must meet eligibility requirements.
Season: Winter Grade: 7 and 8 (Girls)
Two teams (a 7th grade and an 8th grade) consist of players who are selected by tryout sessions. The season is from early-November to the end of February and includes 14 games. Team members are expected to be available for all practices and games including those activities held during vacations. All participants must meet eligibility requirements.
Cheerleading - Football
Season: Fall Grade: 7 and 8
Cheerleaders cheer at all football games from September through October. Practice is held 2-3 times a week. The squad members participate in a variety of school and community related activities. Two squads (a 7th grade and an 8th grade) consist of athletes who are selected by tryout sessions prior to the start of the season. All members must comply with eligibility requirements to participate.
Cheerleading - Basketball
Season: Winter Grade: 7 and 8
Cheerleaders cheer at all basketball games from December through February. The cheerleaders practice 2-3 times a week and participate in both the school and community related activities. Two squads (a 7th grade and an 8th grade) consist of athletes who are selected by tryout sessions prior to the start of the season. All members must comply with eligibility requirements to participate.
Cross Country
Season: Fall Grade: 7 and 8 combined (Boys)
Cross Country involves running over a distance of 2 miles. The running is done in a natural setting such as woods, fields and over hills. To prepare for the cross-country season, a student should be able to run between 15 and 20 miles a week. All students must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Cross Country
Season: Fall Grade: 7 and 8 combined (Girls)
Cross Country involves running over a distance of 2 miles. The running is done in a natural setting such as woods, fields and over hills. To prepare for the cross-country season, a student should be able to run between 15 - 20 miles a week. All students must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Fall Grade: 7 and 8
Football is an interscholastic sport offered to students in grade 7 and 8. KMS has two teams, one 7th grade and one 8th grade. Fundamentals and skills are further developed and the Dublin philosophy of football is incorporated. This team plays a seven game schedule. The season is from late August through October. All athletes must comply with eligibility in order to participate.
Season: Fall Grade: 7 and 8 (separate boys and girls teams)
Golf is comprised of 7 and 8 grade students who qualify during a summer tryout period. The team plays a competitive schedule that prepares them for high school play. At this level everyone plays to gain a better understanding of the game. Qualifying information is available each spring at the school. All athletes must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Spring Grade: 7 and 8 combined (Boys)
The lacrosse program is an opportunity for potential lacrosse players to develop their stick skills, familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of the game and learn team concepts. The schedule is from twelve to sixteen games from March through May. All athletes must comply with eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Spring Grade: 7 and 8 combined (Girls)
The lacrosse program is an opportunity for potential lacrosse players to develop their stick skills, familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of the game and learn team concepts. The schedule is from ten to twelve games from March through May. All athletes must comply with eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Spring Grade: 7 and 8 (Girls)
Two teams (a 7th grade and an 8th grade) consist of players who are selected by tryout sessions beginning in March. They play a 14 game schedule and all players must attend all scheduled games and practices. All athletes must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Fall Grade: 7 and 8 combined (Girls)
Girls’ tennis is a fall sport that begins in early August and ends in October. The team is comprised of players selected as a result of tryouts. The schedule consists of 12 matches. All athletes must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Spring Grade: 7 and 8 combined (Boys)
Boys’ tennis is a spring sport that begins in March and ends in May. The team is comprised of players selected as a result of tryouts. The schedule consists of 12 matches. All athletes must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Spring Grade: 7 and 8 combined participation for Boys and Girls.
The sport of track and field consists of a variety of events testing athletic skill. The running events cover distances from 100 meters to 1600 meters (1 mile). There are also relay events, jumping, and throwing events. Conditioning begins in the end of February with the season concluding May. All athletes must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Fall Grade: 7 and 8 (Girls)
Two teams (a 7th grade and an 8th grade) consist of players who are selected by tryout sessions. This sport concentrates on the basic skills of the game with an introduction to systems of play. They play a 13 game schedule. All athletes must comply with the eligibility requirements to participate.
Season: Winter Grade: 7 and 8 combined
Students compete in one of thirteen weight classes. The team is selected from tryouts and competition between the athletes in a particular weight class. The team gives the athlete a chance to compete at a level that will help them grow as a wrestler. The wrestlers learn the skills and techniques that will benefit them in competition and future upper level tryouts. The team competes in dual matches and tournaments throughout the season. All athletes must meet the eligibility requirements.