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General Information

KMS athletes who see a doctor during their sports season and are pulled from competition, must have a doctor's note allowing them to return to competition. No parent or coach can take the place of the doctor's authority on this. Thank you for understanding this rule and abiding by it.

Attendance, Absences & Same Day Athletic Participation: A student must attend at least 1/2 day in order to compete in their same day athletic contest. This means a student-athlete must attend the morning session of school until 11:48 AM or be in school no later than 11:48 AM and complete the remainder of the school day to be eligible for that day's competition event. Students must be in school at least four periods to be considered eligible to participate.



Athletic Director: Christian Miller

phone: (614)718-8520 


Athletic Trainer: Mike Eddington

phone: (614)760-4751
